

Neem herbal tea

SKU: HerbTea-Neem Category:


Native to the Indian subcontinent, Neem is a hearty tree that thrives in drought-prone conditions. It only needs a trickle of water to survive. It flourishes in many environments but does best in hot, tropical climates that are arid to sub-humid and have an abundance of sandy soil. The tree is so prolific that it’s considered a weed in some areas of the world.

To thrive in such desolate soil the neem tree is surprisingly large and full of leaves, flowers, and seeds. Neem trees can reach up to 50 to 60 feet in height with wide-spreading branches full of plump leaves that fan out into a feather or fin shape. For this reason, they make wonderful shade trees and are often seen in India lining town streets, planted around public buildings, and used for landscaping the gardens of privates homes.

Neem is also referred to as the “Indian lilac” because it boasts beautiful white flowers that can be as fragrant as the blossoms of a lilac bush. It produces an olive-like fruit that encloses one to three seeds. All parts of the neem tree—root, bark, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed—are used in some form or fashion throughout Indian culture and beyond.


Benefits of consuming our Neem Herbal tea includes, but are not limited to:

  • High in Antioxidants, helping to neutralize free radicals that lead to certain conditions
  • Cancer preventing properties
  • Natural anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antibacterial, anti-fungal  and antimalarial properties
  • Natural birth-control
  • Blood purifier
  • Treats coughs, colds, allergies and upper respiratory ailments
  • Eliminates parasites
  • Improves skin health


Potential Risks and Side Effects

NOTE: Using Neem tea is not advised for pregnant women, lactating women, couples looking to conceive, children, people taking lithium, those with autoimmune disorders or diabetes, organ transplants, or for someone with surgery scheduled within two weeks.


Ingredients:  Neem Leaves cut

Our herbs are weighed, packed in paper bags, and provide enough single servings for one person, for at least 31 days.

*We do not use any herbs that were subject to pesticides or other toxins. We use pure, raw, organic herbs and nothing else. No artificial ingredients, added flavors or GMO’s*


Recommended dose: Steep one heaped teaspoon of herb in a strainer for at least 10-15 minutes in a cup (250ml) with boiling water. Do not use sugar or milk. Best with Raw Honey. May add some freshly squeezed lemon juice, freshly chopped ginger or apple cider vinegar. The best time to drink any herbal tea is 1st thing in the morning or 15-20 minutes before bed time. 

Additional information


Neem only, Added Cannabis


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