

500ml Kombucha

SKU: Kombuch_500 Category:


Ingredients used in our Kombucha:

Various tea’s (usually black or Rooibos), organically certified herb cut, raw and unbleached cane sugar, a Scoby ( synchronized colony of bacteria and yeast ) and distilled water. We will have different tea flavors available at times. Handcrafted in small batches and weekly, so that we don’t end up with Kombucha being stored for weeks and months and turning the taste into something too acidic and unpleasant. Be pleasantly surprised every time you order, you might taste different flavors as we ferment.

Directions of use: If you are not use to fermented foods or drinks containing these vast colonies of beneficial bacteria, start slow. Have a tablespoon of kombucha up to 3 times daily. Gradually increase till you reach half a cup to a full cup per day. Best time to take your kombucha is with meals. Can also be refrigerated and served chilled.

You can also add your favorite fruit cut up in a glass of Kombucha and leave over night to add more flavor and health benefits. You can also create a fizzy drink this way of you have a pressurized beer bottle with cap.