About Us & Grownmedz

Grownmedz is a Non Profit Company founded in 2018. The object of the non profit is for public benefit with regard to "health" - a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Grownmedz NPC is not a online shop and does not sell any products. Due to the platform on which the website was built, please Note: The values in ZAR ( South African Rands ) - are not selling prices, but rather "Recommended Donation values". Grownmedz NPC works on donations from the public concerned with health and quality of life issues who seeks alternative remedies from nature.


We are a married couple who are passionate about alternative remedies and quality of life. We do not claim to be health professionals in any way and recommend you consult your doctor before making a decision to start using any natural remedies.  

We have truly found our Passion and strongly believe we can make a difference.

Let us use what our heavenly FATHER has given us on and in the earth as alternative remedies. Please also remember - The Healing does NOT come from us or our products, but rather from ABOVE.


Mission and Vision

Our aim and goal is to provide exceptional quality natural products from nature to create homeostasis in the body and mind.

We pride ourselves in sourcing local as well as international ingredients to create a product range that is not just affordable but also provides a list of health benefits to you, your family and your pets.

Special attention to detail goes into every single product. Most of our products are personally hand-made and packed. We go that extra mile to ensure every product will meet our families and your families needs. 

We are constantly working on new products and will be adding to our categories frequently. 



None of our products have been evaluated or approved by the Medicines Control Council ( MCC ) or the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA).  None of the products available on our website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The products are intended as supplements and to support general well-being. Note: We do not trade or sell Cannabis or Cannabis-related products. All our products are CBD based.

**Never disregard professional medical advice from your doctor or physician**